The conference on ‘Tides & Currents on Police Theories’ in Ghent on December the 12th and 13th of December was a great opportunity to hold a discussion forum on the nexus between policing and science in the lead up to this conference.
Gudrun Vande Walle en Arne Dormaels werden door PricewaterhouseCoopers geselecteerd tot Local Research Correspondents on Corruption voor België. Samen met 27 andere Europese landen kregen ze de opdracht om te rapporteren aan DG Home Affairs...
From 28 th May to 1 st June 2012, Marleen Easton and Arne Dormaels participated in a “Workshop on the Transnational Role of Private Security” organized by Philip Stenning at the Griffith University in Brisbane. The primary goal of...
Being in Australia to attend a workshop on ‘the Transnational Role of Private Security’ at the Centre for Excellence on Policing and Security ( at Griffith University in Brisbane ; Arne Dormaels and Marleen...
Op maandag 23 april 2012 modereerde Marleen Easton een debat over de schaalveranderingen bij politie, georganiseerd door het Centrum voor Politiestudies in de Raadzaal van de gemeente Sint-Pieters-Leeuw. Jos Schepers, korpschef...