
Summer School Police Science: Theory, Methodology and Practice

23 aug 2009

PhD student Arne Dormaels visited Germany from 22 August until 30 August 2009 to take part in a PhD seminar exchange between PhD students from the Centre of Criminology at Cape Town University and from the Ruhr-University Bochum. During this Summer School presentations were made by international policing scholars on police research and methodologies. Fields visits such as the Police Headquarters of Muenster and practical exercises on policing mass events resulted in a various and interesting study program. The seminar exchange was coordinated by Professor Thomas Feltes of the Ruhr University and Organised by Ruhr-University Bochum (in cooperation with German Police University Muenster and University of Duisburg-Essen) and the University of Cape Town, German Police University, Hiltrup Muenster.