
Local Research Correspondents on Corruption - for DG Home Affairs in order of PwC

24 Sep 2012

Gudrun Vande Walle and Arne Dormaels of the research unit GaPS (Hogeschool Gent) have been selected as Local Research Correspondents on Corruption for Belgium. This assignment forms part of the project "Technical assistance and support for establishing and coordinating a network of local research correspondents on corruption" (LRCC-TAS), led by PricewaterhouseCoopers Enterprise. The network contains 28 correspondents across the EU countries who report to DG Home Affairs of the European Commission concerning corruption related aspects. The projects consists of four different types of services to be conducted between 2012-2014, renewable for a period of two more years until 2016: 1) Regular updates on Belgium; 2) Specific analytical studies and reports; 3) Guidance and advice on ad-hoc questions and 4) An annual anti-corruption report.