Publicaties 2014

Deze pagina bevat onze publicaties in de vorm van artikels, hoofdstukken in boeken, (co-) auteur/editor van boeken, artikels in proceedings van wetenschappelijke congressen, book reviews, onderzoeksrapporten, papers en presentaties (Rangschikking volgens criteria wetenschappelijk curriculum).

Dormaels, A. (2014). Perceptions of corruption in Flanders: surveying citizens and police. A study on the influence of occupational differential association on perceptions of corruption. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. Published online: 20 Mar 2014, doi:10.1080/10439463.2014.895351

This study is specifically designed to illustrate the differences between occupational status groups in the perception of corruption. Perceptions of corruption are studied in the present article using a theoretical framework based on Sutherland's differential association theory. A questionnaire was sent to 2256 Flemish citizens and 350 police officers. The core of the questionnaire was a set of 15 items describing potentially corrupt situations. The results indicate that the process of occupational differential association tends to influence people's perceptions of corruption. This study provides empirical support for an organisational explanation of how normative conflict in society translates into specific corruption resistance within different occupational status groups.